O’Dwyer Family Thank You
We have many people to thank and wanted to ensure that no one was overlooked so this is our thank you to you all.
We would like to thank our legal teams in the UK and US. Ben Cooper Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers and Chris Wong Solicitor at Howells in Sheffield who have worked tremendously hard, often very long hours over the last 18mths or so. They have put up with my copious rantings and had to sift through tons of material that I have passed on to them. We thank them for their hardwork and diligence.We are extremely grateful to Ben for accompanying us to the US, his presence was a great reassurance even though he could have had us arrested numerous times for Jay walking! Joshua Dratel Richards US lawyer who has worked extremely hard on the US side not least in negotiating the outcome which has been achieved for Richard with the least possible damage and which is I am sure the best we could have achieved in the absence of either a UK or US trial.
A number of Intellectual Property Lawyers have helped Richard on a Pro Bono basis in the UK and US. Graham Smith from Bird & Bird gave his expertise to assist in preparations for the High Court Appeal in the event that it should go ahead. I first spotted Graham via twitter where I discovered he was giving talks at an Open Rights Group Conference. Graham introduced us to Andrew Bridges of Fenwick and West LLP in San Francisco and arranged for him to meet with us and the legal team in the UK. Andrew enthusiastically worked on the case and was able to assist during the negotiations.
David Cook of Pannone in Manchester gave his opinion and comment as well as assisting in the early days of the case.
We are grateful to the US prosecutors who allowed these negotiations to come to fruition in a way that I hope satisfies all concerned.Thanks also the Homeland Security staff at New York Newark airport who were so kind to Richard and made sure our passage through security & border control went without any hitches.
David Bermingham was one of the Nat West 3 extradited to the US a few years ago. David was the first person I turned to after the extradition warrant was served on Richard. David was the first to advise that we would be unlikely to win over extradition through the courts and highly recommended that we approach the US prosecutors to negotiate a remedy outside of the courts. I’m sure David at times wondered what we were playing at and thought we should have had it sorted ages ago but there were all sorts of reasons for the delay and I never forgot his good advice- hence the outcome. So huge thanks to David as without his advice
Richard may have found himself being extradited to the US. I would highly recommend that anyone finding themselves in this dreadful position should get in touch with David. http://www.dbsc.co.uk/
Melanie Riley Director of Bell Yard Communications in London was the second person I got in touch with just before attending court with Richard in June/July 2011. Petrified of facing a gathering of press and not knowing how to manage the situation, Melanie quickly responded and was on hand to help at first with simple advice and later to help with guiding us through what was to become a very regular part of court attendances. Melanie has worked tirelessly for many years helping victims of this rotten extradition Act and playing a key role helping others fighting for extradition reform. On top of this Melanie has been doing all of this for Richard and others before him for no payment! I don’t know how we would have managed without Melanie and we owe her big style! As some tiny recompense Melanie was able to harness Richard’s skills to create a website all about UK to US Extradition
Friends Extradited.org
Melanie also suggested I join twitter! Since then much of my life has been on twitter- a waste of time some may think but not for me as twitter has been a huge source of support, new friends and vital information so don’t knock it!
A huge debt is owed to Melanie she has been tremendous, so knowledgeable and professional. David Bermingham told me at an early stage that Melanie would be the best thing to happen to us during this fight and he was quite right!
Janis Sharp mum of Gary Mckinnon, I got in touch with Janis via twitter as recommended by Melanie. What a role model! Janis is so knowledgeable about extradition due to having fought to stop Gary’s extradition. Janis has been a brilliant source of advice and support, we have met several times now. There is no better support than that from another person having the same experiences. So brilliant that Janis won the battle to keep her son Gary in the UK and can now try to get life back to normal- whatever that may be. Massive thanks to Janis.
Wilson Sharp a bit of an unsung hero! I’d like to thank Wilson for his fantastic filming and video skills, he has helped us several times by putting together videos about Richard’s case. Thank you Wilson!
I’d like to thank Jimmy Wales for spearheading a huge campaign of support along with Brie Lowry and John Coventry and all the staff at change.org along with Ian Katz and James Ball at the Guardian who teamed up to support Richard and set up the Saverichard Campaign which over 253k people signed. Thank you so much to all of you who signed and also those who left their messages of support.
Liberty the Human Rights Organisation have been behind Richard from the start and particular thanks to Bella Sankey and Shami Chakrabarti for their help and support.
Fair Trials International have supported us and we are especially grateful to Jago Russell who helped to convince Richard that negotiations outside of the courts was a desirable option to pursue.
Jessica Zeun and Deborah Adshead and Graham Coyne tutors at Sheffield Hallam University have been a great source of support and friendship to me and have been very active at the University raising awareness of Richard’s situation, educating his fellow students and rallying support at the University.
Angela Roberts is an old nursing friend of mine Huge thanks to Angela for turning out at demonstrations and pestering all her friends to sign petitions. Angela set up the fighting fund to help with US expenses and amazingly £13k has been raised in 2 months. Hugs and thanks to Angela for doing this and a tremendous thank you to all have very kindly given most generously to the fund.
I’d like to thank Alki David who so generously offered to cover legal costs for a trial in the US, as it happened we had pro bono assistance and didn’t have a trial but Alki’s very generous offer was greatly reassuring.
A number of MP’s have been very supportive both in Richard’s case and in the fight for extradition reform. Dominic Raab, Tim Farron, Keith Vaz, Caroline Lucas, David Burrowes, Sir Menzies Campbell, Zac Goldsmith and others who I know have on occasion raised Richard’s name in Parliament as has Lord McGuinness so I would like to thank them here for their support, efforts and assure them that I will continue with those others fighting for extradition reform.
I would like to thank those groups and individuals campaigning for digital and online freedom and legislation which is fit for today’s digital age and who have in a number of ways have tried to help us such as, Open Rights Group, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Pirate Party UK, and James Firth.
Last of all but certainly not least I must thank the many many people on twitter who have supported in many different ways for example, blogging about Richard’s plight, making amazing videos to raise awareness of the campaign, sending over copyright case information most of which was forwarded to the lawyers, sending messages of support, writing to MP’s and the Home Office and all the RT ‘s etc. There are too many to mention you know who you are! I have been very fortunate to meet a few of you especially from the #Freegary team!
Huge thanks to you all and I do hope no one has been overlooked. You have all helped in so many ways and all of it has been very much appreciated. Without your support I don’t know how we would have survived this ordeal, we are greatly indebted to you.
Thank you
Julia & Richard O’Dwyer
My blog diary of my fight against my son Richard's extradition to the US on allegations of copyright infringement for conduct which was not a crime in the UK. It transpires that extradition was sought because the US authorities were offended by Richard posting a rap video "F... tha Police" in protest at the seizure of his domain!
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Well Wow! What can I say- Angela's fighting fund for Richard has exceeded all expectations over the last 48hours or so. Things really started to take off after Torrentfreak Published an article and at the same time ThePirateBay placed a doodle linking to the donation site on their home page. Twitter helped spread the word as usual!
Angela and I are trying to thank all donors individually as well as responding to comments and good wishes. Its not very easy to do this without missing people or sending a thank you twice to the same person! Anyway we are doing our best. I know people on twitter have donated and its not alway possible to recognise and connect these with people following me on twitter so a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all from twitter who have given and sent their messages of support, such a brilliant crowd whose support online has given me strength and helped keep me going over these last 18 months.
Up to now 889 people from all over the world have donated £10,409! So much kindness and generosity from people really has been tremendous along with the great supportive comments. If this continues Angela should be sure to reach her goal of £25,000.
Just for info payment via the Gofundme site is via credit or debit card payment. Due to having a small number of people ask about alternative ways to donate people can also donate using Flattr and there is now a Flattr button on this blog. (This is new to me so I'm not sure how it works!) If people want to donate using other methods I'm sure that can be arranged so either contact me @jrodwyer or Angela @angelaroberts2 via twitter or leave a comment on here or on the Gofundme site and one of us will get back to you.
Someone has asked about Facebook verification of the Gofundme fighting fund the reason this hasn't happened is because Angela (who launched this fund) does not have a Facebook account - her dog does tho! Therefore you will not see it Facebook verified but I can assure everyone that monies raised will be used for its intended purpose as stated on this earlier post
Depending on the outcome for Richard if there are any funds not used we will ensure these are donated to worthy causes fighting against unjust extraditions and for extradition reform e.g Fair Trials International and Liberty
Angela and I are trying to thank all donors individually as well as responding to comments and good wishes. Its not very easy to do this without missing people or sending a thank you twice to the same person! Anyway we are doing our best. I know people on twitter have donated and its not alway possible to recognise and connect these with people following me on twitter so a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all from twitter who have given and sent their messages of support, such a brilliant crowd whose support online has given me strength and helped keep me going over these last 18 months.
Up to now 889 people from all over the world have donated £10,409! So much kindness and generosity from people really has been tremendous along with the great supportive comments. If this continues Angela should be sure to reach her goal of £25,000.
Just for info payment via the Gofundme site is via credit or debit card payment. Due to having a small number of people ask about alternative ways to donate people can also donate using Flattr and there is now a Flattr button on this blog. (This is new to me so I'm not sure how it works!) If people want to donate using other methods I'm sure that can be arranged so either contact me @jrodwyer or Angela @angelaroberts2 via twitter or leave a comment on here or on the Gofundme site and one of us will get back to you.
Someone has asked about Facebook verification of the Gofundme fighting fund the reason this hasn't happened is because Angela (who launched this fund) does not have a Facebook account - her dog does tho! Therefore you will not see it Facebook verified but I can assure everyone that monies raised will be used for its intended purpose as stated on this earlier post
Depending on the outcome for Richard if there are any funds not used we will ensure these are donated to worthy causes fighting against unjust extraditions and for extradition reform e.g Fair Trials International and Liberty
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Since Richard was served with a US extradition warrant on 23rd May 2011, our lives have been consumed with the need to fight against this outrage, this utter neglect of successive British governments to give UK citizens protections equal to those afforded US citizens and against the terrifying but highly possible scenario of Richard being extradited to the US.
The British public over this year have seen a steady stream of UK citizens who have never even set foot in the US being extradited and immediately placed into the Federal Prison system! Christopher Tappin, Babar Ahmad and Talha Ahsan this year and a significant number before them such as the NatWest3 and Ian Norris.
Of note is the fact that not one American has been extradited to the UK for an alleged crime committed whilst in the US during this time or in fact at any other time since the current extradition law was enacted in January 2004.
In fact the UK has never even requested such an extradition of a US Citizen
The extradition process is from start to finish an additional punishment itself, meted out before any trial or opportunity to prove ones innocence. No presumption of innocence before proven guilty whatever the alleged crime.
Extradition destroys families, relationships, employment and is very costly even with legal aid and that is before the victims get to the US.
In the US there is no comparable legal aid system and legal costs can run into millions of dollars and drag on for years even more unsavoury is the fact that after an extradition, victims are often forced to wait many months or even years often in prison, for the US authorities to be ready for a trial. Over the last 18 months several people have offered to pay any legal costs in the US or to take Richard's case on a pro bono basis. For these kind and generous offers we are extremely grateful and reassured.
There still remains the worry of financial costs in the US, obviously there will be personal financial costs associated with travel to the US, accommodation and the cost of securing an address for Richard to live at in order to be allowed bail. These costs will have to be covered by me somehow. What concerns me are the unknown additional costs which we could be faced with such as a large bail bond or an even more costly financial penalty running into hundreds of thousands of dollars if Richard were to be found guilty
I have until now not considered a fighting fund to be necessary and a number of supporters have made the suggestion, however in reality we must face up to the fact that Richard is likely be extradited without too much notice and hence need to plan ahead. An old nursing friend of mine Angela Roberts has this week launched a Fighting Fund for Richard with a target of £25,000. I am extremely grateful to Angela for doing this, she has been a terrific supporter in many ways.
This is a large amount to be raised and I know times are hard for many of us so with that in mind please donate only if you can afford to do so. Your online and public support has been invaluable and has helped get us through this dreadful situation.
Nearly a quarter of a million people have signed the petition started by Jimmy Wales and Change.org - if just a fraction of these donated a small amount the fighting fund the target would be achieved. So please if you can spare something please take the time to Donate.
All donations no matter how small will be appreciated.
The British public over this year have seen a steady stream of UK citizens who have never even set foot in the US being extradited and immediately placed into the Federal Prison system! Christopher Tappin, Babar Ahmad and Talha Ahsan this year and a significant number before them such as the NatWest3 and Ian Norris.
Of note is the fact that not one American has been extradited to the UK for an alleged crime committed whilst in the US during this time or in fact at any other time since the current extradition law was enacted in January 2004.
In fact the UK has never even requested such an extradition of a US Citizen
The extradition process is from start to finish an additional punishment itself, meted out before any trial or opportunity to prove ones innocence. No presumption of innocence before proven guilty whatever the alleged crime.
Extradition destroys families, relationships, employment and is very costly even with legal aid and that is before the victims get to the US.
In the US there is no comparable legal aid system and legal costs can run into millions of dollars and drag on for years even more unsavoury is the fact that after an extradition, victims are often forced to wait many months or even years often in prison, for the US authorities to be ready for a trial. Over the last 18 months several people have offered to pay any legal costs in the US or to take Richard's case on a pro bono basis. For these kind and generous offers we are extremely grateful and reassured.
There still remains the worry of financial costs in the US, obviously there will be personal financial costs associated with travel to the US, accommodation and the cost of securing an address for Richard to live at in order to be allowed bail. These costs will have to be covered by me somehow. What concerns me are the unknown additional costs which we could be faced with such as a large bail bond or an even more costly financial penalty running into hundreds of thousands of dollars if Richard were to be found guilty
I have until now not considered a fighting fund to be necessary and a number of supporters have made the suggestion, however in reality we must face up to the fact that Richard is likely be extradited without too much notice and hence need to plan ahead. An old nursing friend of mine Angela Roberts has this week launched a Fighting Fund for Richard with a target of £25,000. I am extremely grateful to Angela for doing this, she has been a terrific supporter in many ways.
This is a large amount to be raised and I know times are hard for many of us so with that in mind please donate only if you can afford to do so. Your online and public support has been invaluable and has helped get us through this dreadful situation.
Nearly a quarter of a million people have signed the petition started by Jimmy Wales and Change.org - if just a fraction of these donated a small amount the fighting fund the target would be achieved. So please if you can spare something please take the time to Donate.
All donations no matter how small will be appreciated.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
David Burrowes MP gave a tremendous speech to Parliament prior to the recess for the Conservative Party Conference which served as a stark reminder to ministers within the coalition government of their pre election promises and public statements regarding the proposed extradition of Gary Mckinnon. He was supported by Kate Hoey and also Keith Vaz
Video by Wilson Sharp as always, thank you Wilson - watch below.
Video by Wilson Sharp as always, thank you Wilson - watch below.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Earlier this year in May Emmanuel and Patrick from Off The Hook a New York Radio Show visited me while visiting the UK. Link to that interview if you have time to listen in from about 16.00. Offthehook
Many thanks to all at www.2600.com for allowing me so much airtime to raise awareness in New York.
Many thanks to all at www.2600.com for allowing me so much airtime to raise awareness in New York.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
This video appeared recently, whilst humourous it clearly illustrates the stark reality of the US pursuit of Richard (and others) by the MPAA funded and lobbied US Department of Justice. It also makes abundantly clear the disproportionate use of extradition in dealing with various degrees of copyright allegations. (Credits to follow once identified but thanks anyway!)
Sunday, 5 August 2012
I have stated many times that we have had no help whatsoever from our own government or the Home Office and that Twitter has been a tremendous source of support and information. This support has ranged from masses of campaign support - when I didn't know I had a "campaign" to tons of legal help and support as well as very importantly peer support! enabling me to be in touch with other victims of this bad law, Janis sharp Gary Mckinnon's mum, Elaine Tappin,Chris Tappin's wife, Hamja Ahsan brother of Talha Ahsan and Fahad Ansari close friend of Babar Ahmad as well of the many of their supporters.
We truly are "all in it together", non are fighting a crime but we are all fighting the extradition law for our sons or friends.
Copyright and tech experts have sent me an enormous amount of information about internet law and about other similar cases. Copyright lawyers from the UK and US have contacted me via twitter to offer their help.
Anyway yesterday came a great legal ruling from Judge Richard Posner posted on twitter and also sent to me by Mitch Stoltz from the EFF this may help Richard's case and has been forwarded to our legal team.
Court rules it’s legal to embed, watch copyright-infringing video
We truly are "all in it together", non are fighting a crime but we are all fighting the extradition law for our sons or friends.
Copyright and tech experts have sent me an enormous amount of information about internet law and about other similar cases. Copyright lawyers from the UK and US have contacted me via twitter to offer their help.
Anyway yesterday came a great legal ruling from Judge Richard Posner posted on twitter and also sent to me by Mitch Stoltz from the EFF this may help Richard's case and has been forwarded to our legal team.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Since a recent Freedom of Information request revealed that not one US citizen has been extradited to the UK for an alleged crime committed on US soil, I have since requested more of these.
Interestingly one sent to me in June revealed that no UK citizens had been extradited to the US for alleged crimes committed without leaving the UK, but that 5 such cases were currently pending. I immediately queried these figures as I am well aware that Ian Norris and Christopher Tappin were both extradited to the US for alleged crimes committed whilst in the UK. See response , this I believe to be untrue.
Hot off the Home Office press though is the even more alarming revelation in the FOI I received this week that the UK has never requested an extradition of an American citizen for a crime committed in the US!!
No wonder the US Ambassador is forever stating that the US never refuses any extradition requests from the Uk since when it comes to crimes committed on "home soil" the UK simply doesn't ask for any!!
This is an even bigger abuse of territorial jurisdiction by the US, and even more so by the Home Office for supporting this atrocity.
None of this evidence revealed in these FOI's has been included or referenced within the Scott Baker Report which would further indicate that it was indeed a "whitewash".
Its a great matter of concern that
this information is only available via FOI requests when the government
has spent £250k supposedly on a thorough review of extradition
Hot off the Home Office press though is the even more alarming revelation in the FOI I received this week that the UK has never requested an extradition of an American citizen for a crime committed in the US!!
No wonder the US Ambassador is forever stating that the US never refuses any extradition requests from the Uk since when it comes to crimes committed on "home soil" the UK simply doesn't ask for any!!
This is an even bigger abuse of territorial jurisdiction by the US, and even more so by the Home Office for supporting this atrocity.
None of this evidence revealed in these FOI's has been included or referenced within the Scott Baker Report which would further indicate that it was indeed a "whitewash".
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Recording of my candid Radio Interview for BBC West Midlands with Adrian Goldberg. Many thanks to the extremely talented Wilson Sharp, husband of Janis Sharp and Gary Mckinnon's stepdad for the recording and for adding video content.
Friday, 6 July 2012
As a result of the Emergency Meeting on Extradition to the US held in Parliament on the 20th June 2012 it was agreed that a Cross Party delegation of MP's would request a meeting with Damien Green the Immigration Minister. Caroline Lucas wrote to the minister on behalf of the Cross Party delegation of Caroline Lucas, Dominic Raab, John Hemmings, John McDonnell, Zac Goldsmith, Sadiq Khan and Yasmin Quereshi. Other MP's have already stated their willingness to join this delegation too.
Letter from Caroline Lucas MP (Brighton Pavilion-Green):
Original Letter:
27 June 2012
Dear Damian,
I am writing with the support of a cross party group of MPs
that includes John Hemming, Zac Goldsmith, John McDonnell, Yasmin Qureshi, and
Sadiq Khan to urgently request a meeting about the imminent extradition of four
British citizens – Richard O’Dwyer, Gary McKinnon, Talha Ahsan and
Babar Ahmad.
We appreciate your previous statement that the Government is
considering its position in the light of the Report of the Extradition Review
Panel, the Joint Human Rights Committee Report and recent parliamentary debates
in the House of Commons, however we are concerned by the impact of the ongoing
delay on these four cases in particular. We are anxious to prevent grave
miscarriages of justice – all 4 men could face extradition within weeks.
As a result, we urge you to meet with us at the earliest possible opportunity
and look forward to hearing from you regards potential dates.
Best wishes,
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
Link to Parliamentary Motion Passed 5th December 2011
Last night Caroline Lucas heard that Damien Green has refused to meet with MP's.
Damien Greens Letter
NB: The Minister's reason given" that it would be inappropriate to discuss cases that remained under review" is not a valid reason given the Minister has in the past met with Janis Sharp (Gary McKinnon’s mum) with Trudie Styler (Sting’s wife) to discuss Gary’s case.
Caroline Lucas' response:
I am
outraged by the Government’s lack of concern both for the democratic process
and for the individuals and families that are suffering because of the current
extradition laws. The Minister has used pending court cases and decisions to be
taken by the Home Secretary as grounds for refusing to discuss the matter with
MPs from across the political spectrum, many of whom have constituents that are
facing imminent extradition and possible breaches of their human rights. These
decisions about what happens to British citizens and their right to a British
trial are precisely why a meeting with the Home Office Minister is so
important, and why it is so unacceptable that the Government are continuing to
stand in the way of justice.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
E Mail to Your MP To Request They Ask Theresa May a Question in Parliament About the #Saverichard Petition

Up until now Home Secretary Theresa May hasn't said anything publicly
about my son's extradition. Even as Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales's
petition has exploded to over 180,000 signatures -- including mine.
On Monday 9th July, that could change -- she'll have to face questions from MPs in the House of Commons.
Can you email your MP now? They have until Tuesday 3rd July to put their question to Theresa May so there's not much time left.
Click here to find out who your MP is.
Then send them an email like the one below (feel free to edit)
Can you email your MP now? They have until Tuesday 3rd July to put their question to Theresa May so there's not much time left.
Click here to find out who your MP is.
Then send them an email like the one below (feel free to edit)
Thank you for your support,
Email to send to your MP:
Email to send to your MP:
Dear (MP)
I recently signed the petition started by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales calling on the Home Secretary to immediately halt the extradition of student Richard O'Dwyer: www.change.org/SaveRichard
Theresa May is yet to respond to the petition which is why I am asking you to urgently submit the following question in time for oral questions on Monday 9 July.
Theresa May: When will you stop the extradition of Richard O'Dwyer?
I recently signed the petition started by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales calling on the Home Secretary to immediately halt the extradition of student Richard O'Dwyer: www.change.org/SaveRichard
Theresa May is yet to respond to the petition which is why I am asking you to urgently submit the following question in time for oral questions on Monday 9 July.
Theresa May: When will you stop the extradition of Richard O'Dwyer?
Thursday, 28 June 2012
My Letter to David Cameron
22nd June 2012
Dear Prime Minister
I am writing to you about my son Richard and his extradition to the US for alleged copyright infringement. I would hope that you are aware of the case from the media coverage, from the Home Secretary and also due to the large volume of e mails and letters which have been sent to Nick Clegg, Theresa May, Dominic Grieve Ken Clarke and MP’s from members of the public which should have been brought to your attention.
Aside from whether Richard may or may not have committed any offence, although it is looking increasingly doubtful whether what he did is a crime in either country, the fact is that he never set foot in the US. You must be aware that a Freedom of Information Request response from the Home Office dated 11th April this year states that: no American citizen has been extradited to the UK for a crime committed in the US under the current treaty.
It really does alarm me that this situation is allowed to continue unabated, British people being shipped off to the US some of whom will never be seen again, while the US quite rightly protects its own citizens. Promises and assurances have been made by many, reports and reviews have been commissioned and delivered. The Home Secretary will announce “shortly” her decision on extradition reform.
It really is a shame that we are all outside on the street today protesting. It is shameful that our own government continues to do nothing to amend an extradition treaty which has been shown time and time again to be not fit for purpose and which despite protestations to the contrary could be easily corrected. The intellectual arguments on the need for change have been won repeatedly since this treaty came into force.
It is time for evidence based action, no more back door deals without parliamentary scrutiny. British citizens simply must have the same protections as their US counterparts. No favours are required from the US- just the same rights as US citizens who are not extradited to the UK for alleged crimes committed on their home soil – they have Forum and constitutional rights and that is what my son should have.
Richard is a 23yr old university student not a common criminal, not a fugitive, never been to the US but this rotten law which provides little opportunity for him to prove that what he did is not even a crime in this country, is creating such a stranglehold on the Judiciary that they are almost helpless to do anything other than agree to his extradition. Even more galling I have a letter from Keir Starmer’s office stating that my son’s case “ is not considered to be in the category of serious “ Forgive me but Extradition not a serious matter!
I wonder how you and Mrs Cameron would feel if this were to happen to one of your children in a few years’ time, quite possible if this is allowed to continue with internet usage such a huge part of everyday life . I can tell you it is not a very nice place for a parent to be in. I am a Specialist Nurse to Children with palliative care needs. This is destroying my work and my life as well as Richards, I should not have to be doing this.
I know the Extradition Act like the back of my hand, I have read and heard every report and debate on the subject and seen numerous canned letters from the Home Office about all of this, there is nothing I don’t know about it. I am asking for British justice for Richard, not suggesting that extradition is not necessary for fugitives from serious crime. The Forum amendment already agreed several years ago should be enacted to give Richard the same protections as a computer geek in the US would be allowed. Sorry to go on but I am so very angry and extremely upset with this situation.
Yours Faithfully
Julia O’Dwyer
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Today the Guardian Newspaper have published a whole series of articles starting with a leader by Jimmy Wales founder of Wikipedia and advisor to the UK Government. Jimmy Wales has spoken out in support of Richard describing him as "clean cut geeky kid" and one who he could see launching the next big thing on the internet.
Jimmy Wales support is an incredible development, as such an influential and respected figure I hope the government will wake up and listen to what he is saying.
There is a link in the article to a petition Jimmy has launched #saverichard petition at www.change.org
James Ball Journalist at the Guardian has been working with Richard and produced some good pieces on the situation
Jimmy Wales Calls for Richard's Extradition to be Stopped
Richard O'Dwyer: Living With the Threat of Extradition
James Ball on Richard O'Dwyer's legal position: questions and answers
Jimmy Wales support is an incredible development, as such an influential and respected figure I hope the government will wake up and listen to what he is saying.
There is a link in the article to a petition Jimmy has launched #saverichard petition at www.change.org
James Ball Journalist at the Guardian has been working with Richard and produced some good pieces on the situation
Jimmy Wales Calls for Richard's Extradition to be Stopped
Richard O'Dwyer: Living With the Threat of Extradition
James Ball on Richard O'Dwyer's legal position: questions and answers
Seven Britons extradited to US for every one sent here under lopsided act
- Tory MP Dominic Raab unearths damning figures
- More Britons extradited in the last six months than US has sent back in five years
PUBLISHED: 00:21, 23 June 2012 | UPDATED: 00:21, 23 June 2012
Seven times more British citizens
have been sent to the US under the lopsided Extradition Act than there
have been Americans sent in the opposite direction.
Office figures reveal how the treaty at the centre of the case against
Asperger’s sufferer Gary McKinnon is being used by the US authorities
far more often than their British counterparts.
2004, 99 people have been extradited from the UK to the US. Yet only 44
have been extradited to the UK. When the figures are broken down by
nationality, the picture is even more stark.
35 British nationals have been extradited from the UK to the US. But as
few as five US citizens have been extradited from the US to the UK.
has extradited more of its nationals to the United States in the past
six months – seven – than the United States has sent the other way in
the past five years, according to data unearthed by the Tory MP Dominic
This is despite the fact the population of the US (311million) is five times greater than that of the UK (62million).
figures will heighten calls for changes to the Act, which was passed by
Labour in 2003 and is currently under review by the Home Secretary.
Critics say it is biased
against UK nationals. Britain must provide US authorities with ‘such
information as would provide a reasonable basis to believe that the
person sought committed the offence for which extradition is requested’.
is known as the ‘probable cause’ test and means US citizens have the
right to a court hearing to examine the evidence against them. However,
if the US wants to extradite a UK citizen, the authorities need only to
outline the alleged offence, the punishment specified by statute and
provide an accurate description of the suspect.
Tory MP Dominic Raab unearthed the alarming figures
The most high-profile victim of the
Act is Mr McKinnon, who faces being hauled to the US for crimes
committed from his North London bedroom.He
hacked into NASA and Pentagon computers while looking for evidence of
‘little green men’ Medical experts say he is likely to take his own life
if extradited.
As well as his, there have been a string of other controversial extradition cases.
include Chris Tappin, a retired golf club president from Kent who was
extradited to the US in February over allegations of arms dealing.
Richard O’Dwyer, of Chesterfield, is also fighting extradition on
copyright infringement charges over a website he ran from the UK.
night Mr Raab, who has campaigned for changes to the extradition rules,
said: ‘In 2012, we are surrendering our citizens to the US at the
fastest rate since the new treaty came into effect, despite woefully
inadequate safeguards.
we have extradited seven UK nationals for every American extradited to
Britain. If we don’t reform our blunt extradition regime, we will see
more appalling cases.’
are also demanding changes to the controversial European Arrest Warrant
(EAW), which allows people to be sent to other EU countries over even
minor charges.
with the Extradition Act, the country demanding a British or EU citizen
does not have to make a substantial case against them.
number of EAWs issued to the UK has risen from 1,865 in 2004 to 5,832
in the year ending March 2012. Britain is extraditing 11 times more
people than are being sent to the UK by our EU neighbours. The number of
British citizens surrendered under an EAW has risen from five in 2004
to 32 in 2011/12.
Raab said: ‘Britain now extradites six times more of our nationals
under the European Arrest Warrant than the US treaty. Too many face
corrupt police, incompetent courts and appalling prison conditions.
‘The case for reform or withdrawal from this flawed measure is overwhelming.’
Home Office spokesman said: ‘We have effective, fair and balanced
extradition arrangements with the US and other international partners.
who have committed serious offences such as murder, rape, other sex
crimes and fraud, have been successfully extradited to the UK and
The Telegraph Published a similar piece here
The US Embassy provides a comment of its own to try and explain the disparity in the numbers
“While the U.S. does send more extradition requests to the UK than it receives, this difference is largely due to the differences in the size of the respective populations. The number of U.S. requests is not disproportionate.”
The Home Office States
who have committed serious offences such as murder, rape, other sex
crimes and fraud, have been successfully extradited to the UK and
This utterly canned statement is churned out at every opportunity to the media and in view of the refusal of the UK to extradite an American paedophile seem a tad disingenuous
who have committed serious offences such as murder, rape, other sex
crimes and fraud, have been successfully extradited to the UK and
The above (except fraud) are not crimes which can be committed against one country without going there so that response is not relevant to the issue in question i.e the extradition of citizens for crimes committed on home soil.
The home office states that the US has not refused any UK requests, this is obviously due to the fact that since the UK Home Office knows that a US citizen cannot be extradited to the UK for criminal activity conducted on US soil such extraditions are NOT requested by the UK hence the lack of refusals for such cases.
Nowhere is there any reference to the protections given to US citizens in their constitution and these are what is at the root of the imbalance.
Latest news revealed only in a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office shows that No requests have been made to the US for American committing crimes against the UK while in the US
Reported here in the Daily Mail
Latest news revealed only in a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office shows that No requests have been made to the US for American committing crimes against the UK while in the US
Reported here in the Daily Mail
"We are all in this together"! Well we really are in this fight together - some may question why I would wish to align the campaign to fight against Richard's extradition to the US with the fight of Babar Ahmad and Talha Ahsan who are "accused" of terrorist related activities over the internet.
Well the reasons are because, it is not about guilt or innocence, it is not about the alleged crime - it is about the right to British Justice for British people who have never set foot in the US. America does not allow the extradition of its citizens for crimes which they are alleged to have committed on US soil.
Richard, Gary,Babar & Talha all deserve the right to British Justice no matter what the outcome of that might be.
Americans are protected by their own constitution and have the right to be tried in their own country whatever the alleged crime. As a consequence of this, the UK government does not request such cases to be extradited to the UK for the simple reason that it will not be allowed therefore it would be a waste of time asking!
We have to question why the US government does not want British citizens to have the same rights and protections as their own people? Some "Special Relationship"!
As this recent Freedom of Information request shows Not one American has been extradited to the UK for a crime committed in the US
Freedom of Information Request -UK Home Office
ITV News
BBC video below
Twitter hashtag for this event #extraditiondemo
Well the reasons are because, it is not about guilt or innocence, it is not about the alleged crime - it is about the right to British Justice for British people who have never set foot in the US. America does not allow the extradition of its citizens for crimes which they are alleged to have committed on US soil.
Richard, Gary,Babar & Talha all deserve the right to British Justice no matter what the outcome of that might be.
Americans are protected by their own constitution and have the right to be tried in their own country whatever the alleged crime. As a consequence of this, the UK government does not request such cases to be extradited to the UK for the simple reason that it will not be allowed therefore it would be a waste of time asking!
We have to question why the US government does not want British citizens to have the same rights and protections as their own people? Some "Special Relationship"!
As this recent Freedom of Information request shows Not one American has been extradited to the UK for a crime committed in the US
Freedom of Information Request -UK Home Office
ITV News
BBC video below
Twitter hashtag for this event #extraditiondemo

What a fantastic day for our demonstration brilliant sunshine and no rain! There was a fantastic turnout of around at least 300 supporters all with some great banners, T shirts and other displays on support, anger and outrage at this great injustice.
Here are a few images from the day

Sunday, 17 June 2012
Important Meeting on Extradition
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
6:00pm until 8:00pm
Committee Room 10,
House of Commons,
House of Commons,
Caroline Lucas MP
John Hemming MP
Victoria Brittain
David Bermingham (Natwest Three)
Sir Iqbal Sacranie
Ashfaq Ahmad
John Hemming MP
Victoria Brittain
David Bermingham (Natwest Three)
Sir Iqbal Sacranie
Ashfaq Ahmad
Talha Ahsan:
Poet & writer with Aspergers syndrome detained 6 years without trial or charge. Never been to the US.
Babar Ahmad:
Longest detained without trial British Citizen in modern British History – detained for 8 years without trial or charge -assault and brutalised by police violence. Never been to the US
Longest detained without trial British Citizen in modern British History – detained for 8 years without trial or charge -assault and brutalised by police violence. Never been to the US
Gary Mckinnon:
Accused of hacking into US agency websites 10 years ago and fighting extradition ever since. Gary also has Aspergers Syndrome and has been assessed by experts in ASD Aas having a high suicide risk. Never been to the US
Richard O’Dwyer.
Accused of breaching US copyright laws,despite the fact that what he is accused of does not constitute a crime in the UK. Never been to the US.
All… may be extradited to US Solitary confinement under the
notorious and descredited 2003 EXTRADITION US-UK Treaty where NO prima facie EVIDENCE is required
notorious and descredited 2003 EXTRADITION US-UK Treaty where NO prima facie EVIDENCE is required
All videos of this event have been produced by Gary Mckinnon's stepdad Wilson a truly talented man, so many thanks and much appreciation to Wilson
Saturday, 2 June 2012
SATURDAY 23rd JUNE, 1pm to 3 pm
- Gary McKinnon,
- Syed Talha Ahsan,
- Richard O’Dwyer,
- Babar Ahmad
to the United States
Venue: Whitehall, outside Downing Street
Confirmed speakers:
The families – Ashfaq Ahmad and Julia O’Dwyer – joined by Bruce Kent, John McDonnell MP, David Bermingham, Kate Hudson, Louise Christian, Unjum Mirza, Victoria Brittain, Farooq Murad, Avaez Mohammed…watch this site for further updates
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Caroline Lucas MP has tabled an EDM (Early Day Motion) on extradition. PLEASE e mail your own MP asking if they will sign to support the motion. Find your MP HERE
This is VERY URGENT so please do help, EDM wording as below
EDM 128 Extradition
This is VERY URGENT so please do help, EDM wording as below
EDM 128 Extradition
That this House notes that it has been over five months since it passed a
motion on 5 December 2011 calling on the Government to reform the UK's
extradition arrangements to strengthen the protection of British
citizens by both introducing, as a matter of urgency, a Bill to enact
the safeguards recommended by the Joint Committee on Human Rights in its
Fifteenth Report, HC 767, and by pursuing such amendments to the UK-US
Extradition Treaty 2003 and the EU Council Framework Decision 2002 on
the European Arrest Warrant asare necessary in order to give effect to
such recommendations; further notes that it is over seven months since
the Scott Baker Review of the UK's extradition laws; welcomes the
announcement in March 2012 by President Obama and the Prime Minister of a
joint initiative to look into the operation of the UK-US Extradition
Treaty; believes that it would not be in the public interest for anyone
to be extradited to the US from the UK until theurgent legislation
called for by Parliament to amend the 2003 Treaty has been passed;
supports the Home Affairs Select Committee's recommendation for the Home
Secretary to publish the evidence to the Baker Review immediately; and
calls on the Government to bring forward legislation in line with
Parliament's wishes.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Fact 1: #Extradition to US: No chance to prove innocence in UK court prior to extradition
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 2: #Extradition No explanation or information given before you are cuffed & taken immediately to court
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 3 : #Extradition to US: US Prosecutors lie & mount illegal sting /entrapments
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 4: #Extradition to US: #Extradition Judges only know- live & breath extradition
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 5: #Extradition to US: You have NO Human Rights at all- this is just a pretence in reality None exist even if you are terminally ill
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 6: #Extradition to US: If you lose your appeals you are on the plane within days
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 7: #Extradition to US: After extradition UK government completely washes its hands of you and leaves you to rot in US Federal prison
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 8: #Extradition to US: When extradited you are straight to jail on arrival NO bail #Natwest3 were lucky & unique #Bliar intervened
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 9: #Extradition to US: You will be left to rot in Federal Prison for years before trial in US
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 10: #Extradition to US:No proper legal aid if you have no millions of pounds you are given the crappest public defender lawyers
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 11: #Extradition to US: A proper trial in US costs millions of dollars would you have this ? So no fair trial/generous judicial system
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 12: #Extradition to US: Don't bother taking any reading materials to pass time in jail these will be removed from you on arrival
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 13: #Extradition to US: Once extradited you are not able to ring your family to let them know you are safe
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 14: #Extradition to US: Tell your family not to send you crossword puzzles in the post these too will be removedfrom your mail
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 15: #Extradition to US: You cannot even meet with your lawyer in US after #extradition as you are in jail immediately
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 16: #Extradition to US: You cannot keep your legal papers when put straight in jail in US so cannot start to mount your defence
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 17: #Extradition to US: You will only be allowed transfer to UK if "they" feel like it
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 18: #Extradition to US: UK Government just wants to sweep you under the carpet after your extradition
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 19: #Extradition to US: Guilty or innocent you are forced to plead guilty to get home quicker so noone will know whether you R guilty
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 20: #Extradition: Guilty or innocent on return from US you will have no criminal record in UK !!!
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 21: #Extradition to US: Penalties in US are 7 times those in the UK & with no reductions or paroll
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 22: #Extradition to US: The US does not allow extradition of its people for conduct committed on US soil & the UK doesn't ask for them
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 23: #Extradition to US: #Extradition to US will destroy your life, family , relationships, work, finances & UK gov doesn't give a shit
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 24: #Extradition to US: #TheresaMay 's only involvement in your extradition is to sign under 4 lines of text & rubberstamp it
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 25: #Extradition to US: Your extradition is processed by admin staff in Home office extradition team NOT TheresaMay
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 26: #Extradition to US: Just as extradition Act was brought in with no parliamentary scrutiny your own extradition is not scrutinised
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 27: #Extradition to US: UK courts choose to ignore evidence to suit its extradition agenda
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 28: #Extradition to US: @Ukhomeoffice will help the US but not you - UK taxpaying voting citizen #Specialrelationship
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 29: #Extradition to US: UK gov has broken promises on extradition reform & is ignoring the evidential reports calling for URGENT action
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 30: #Extradition to US: US Ambassador tried to coerce MP's prior to debate to vote against reform
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
FACT 31: #Extradition to US: There is no such thing as a fair trial in US unless you can pay for it
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
FACT 32:#Extradition to US: 98% of people get NO trial in US & are forced to Plea bargain so #extradition for trial istotal sham #RichardO
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) April 11, 2012
Fact 33: #Extradition US :Not one US citizen has been extradited to UK for conduct committed on US soil bit.ly/ICeYa0
— Julia O'Dwyer (@jrodwyer) May 1, 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
E mail your own MP's about Richards case you can find your own MP's e mail address here.
E mails tend to get a quicker response and remember we are running out
of time to stop this aggressive extradition pursuit. Letters written to
MP's generally take 6 weeks to generate a reply.
It would be useful if as many people as possible would write to or e mail the Prime Minister David Cameron here and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to ask when the government is going to act on amendments to the current extradition treaty, to provide protection to UK citizens on a parr to that afforded to US citizens by the US government and to highlight Richard's case as well as the other victims.
(Christopher Tappin, All the Info on Gary Mckinnon, Babar Ahmad Campaign)
Highlight the recent Freedom of Information Request
which shows that not one US citizen has been extradited to the UK for a crime committed on US soil.
It would be useful if as many people as possible would write to or e mail the Prime Minister David Cameron here and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to ask when the government is going to act on amendments to the current extradition treaty, to provide protection to UK citizens on a parr to that afforded to US citizens by the US government and to highlight Richard's case as well as the other victims.
(Christopher Tappin, All the Info on Gary Mckinnon, Babar Ahmad Campaign)
Highlight the recent Freedom of Information Request
which shows that not one US citizen has been extradited to the UK for a crime committed on US soil.
Please ask when are they going to report on the governments plans and are they going to take into account, the Joint Committee of Human Rights Report, the review of Sir Menzies Campbell, the Parliamentary Motion carried and Select Committee Reports & the submissions from the public and other bodies.
E mail the Home Secretary Theresa May HERE
Write A Letter to the Home Secretary
Theresa May
The Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
Please highlight the fact that what Richard did is not a crime in the UK and therefore not an extraditable offence.
Please voice your concerns and displeasure, again please ask for a substantive response.
In any e mails it would be good to include any material to substantiate the fact that what Richard did does not constitute a crime in the UK.
MP'S who are involved in fighting to get the extradition law changed and who you can copy in to your MP e mail or just e mail them anyway putting extradition - national matter on your e mail title are :
Keith Vaz
Dominic Raab
Julian Huppert
David Burrowes
Caroline Lucas
Sir Menzies Campbell
David Davis
Tim Farron
In any e mails it would be good to include any material to substantiate the fact that what Richard did does not constitute a crime in the UK.
MP'S who are involved in fighting to get the extradition law changed and who you can copy in to your MP e mail or just e mail them anyway putting extradition - national matter on your e mail title are :
Keith Vaz
Dominic Raab
Julian Huppert
David Burrowes
Caroline Lucas
Sir Menzies Campbell
David Davis
Tim Farron
Please keep signing Richard's petition here This is going really well thanks to all concerned people so lets try keep it going.
Please use twitter hashtags #extradition #RichardO #Freegary #FreeBabarAhmad #Freetalha
Follow me @jrodwyer Other relevant people to tweet/follow @Janissharp (Gary's mum) @UKhomeoffice @Number10gov MP's on twitter can be found here
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