On Friday 24th February Chris was handed over to US MarshallS at Heathrow Airport to be extradited to Texas. I won't comment here on my reaction to this betrayal of British subjects by the present government perpetuating the errors of Tony Blair and David Blunkett but will include some media links, ways to support Chris, his family & how to keep up the fight against this rotten extradition law to prevent others going this way
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Dignified Lone Protest at Heathrow for Chris |
Media Reports
Use this easy webform to e mail the Home Office, Home Secretary and Nick Clegg, amend the wording as you wish. The key points are about amending the law to allow a UK prosecution of any alleged criminal conduct which has taken place in the UK and the right to Human Rights consideration on a par with the rest of UK citizens rather than as it currently applied subject to extremely high bars.
Support Chris and his Family on Facebook
Kind letters of support to Chris will I'm sure be appreciated, the days in Prison I would imagine could be long. Stamps will be limited so please don't necessarily expect a reply.
The time is 20.20 UK time on 25th Feb 2012, Chris was handed over to the custody of America on the 24th Feb at around 08.30 UK time. Since that time no news of Chris's whereabouts have been communicated to his wife and family. He is not listed on the US Federal Inmate Locator above. Chris is currently a missing person. Entrusted to the custody and care of our "trusted partners" the US under the leadership of Barack Obama. UK citizens subjected to the nightmare of extradition are assured during their farsicle extradition proceedings that all will be well in America after all it's a civilised country not a 3rd world natio. So where is Chris Tappin, was allowed a bed last night, is he been afforded the dignity that he has shown so far throughout his ordeal, is he being treated kindly? Chris's American lawyer does not even know his whereabouts his ordeal. So this is how the US treats UK citizens who have been handed over for safekeeping.
As a result of this shocking treatment of a UK citizen and his family I am now going to e mail using the webform above with amended words to ask Where is Chris Tappin and express my disgust at this appalling treatment. Please feel free to follow suit.
N.B Chris has now been located in Otero County Jail New Mexico; his family have received word as to his safety and the conditions he is being held in
Dear Julia,
ReplyDeleteThankyou for this blog post & all the links you provided.
I'm an easy going peace loving person and I very rarely get angry but this has had me literally shaking with rage.
Seeing him on the news being extradited was bad enough but to hear they've effectively 'lost' him just beggars belief.
If Mr Tappin's family happen to be reading this I want them to know I'm thinking of them and dearly hoping they get news of Chris soon.
Also wishing you the best Julia with regard to your son Richard.
Thank you, this is not and must not be allowed to go away. Keeping up the fight and the publicity . Our own government are to blame x
Deletere letters: sae's can sometimes be worth including in letters along with a sheet or two of CHEAP writing paper as they may sometimes reach recipient, obviously postage must be US, first class international letter US to UK = $1.05, price increases with weight http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf, US stamps can be bought on-line at https://store.usps.com/store/browse/subcategory.jsp?categoryId=subcatS_S_Sheets&categoryNavIds=catBuyStamps%3AsubcatS_S%3AsubcatS_S_Sheets.
ReplyDeleteIs it confirmed that he's in La Tuna?
Thank you helpful. Otero